Infinite Stratos Wiki

Equalizer (イコライザ / 平衡装置?) is the name for any kind of add-on equipment for IS.


All IS comes with basic weaponry, called Preset, but it also has a number of expansion slots that could be used to field additional equipment, which comes in various forms, such as additional weaponry, thrusters, and augmented armor plates.

These Equalizers need to be installed into IS first, not an easy feat to accomplish since every IS core is unique and each of them has its individuality, (one might say personality) it is possible for a IS to reject the installation of certain Equalizer.


The Equalizers could be assembled into package type for an IS, designed to fulfill a specific task, as long as there are enough expansion slots left. (A bombardment package would consist of something like following sets of Equalizers: Long-range cannon + Stabilizer device + Augmented armor plate)

Equalizer Package tends to be designed for a specific IS, since components such as additional thrusters or armor plates would have to fit the IS. (For the same reason, hand-held weapon type Equalizers tend to be more compatible with other IS).

Advantages & Disadvantages[]


Equalizers that are attached to IS (such as thrusters or armor plates) are called up simultaneously with IS, but hand-held weapon type could be called up while in activation. In this manner, the pilot doesn't have to worry about carrying numerous equipments during activation. She just needs to call up the weapon that is needed at any given time.

Also, Equalizers allow for enhanced combat ability by allowing the IS pilot more options and versatility while in battle, provided training is undergone to learn the mechanics of the pilot's various Equalizers. 


  1. Equalizer, just like an IS in closed form, is called up by pilot's thought process. It is possible to call up by announcing the name of Equalizer, (or IS) but this is only because the announcing act helps the pilot to concentrate her thought (which is the actual command). The 'announcing' way is considered as a method for inexperienced pilots who has difficulty with call-up just with mental commands.
  2. Also, verbally announcing the Equalizer or IS basically ends up warning the opponents, and verbal announcement takes a rather long time compared to the time required by experienced pilot to mentally command call-up, which takes a fraction of seconds.
  3. Since Equalizer is materialization of installed data within IS (This is same for IS) even if it is damaged or destroyed during combat, it is not truly 'gone,' but it does require maintenance or restoration just like damaged IS, and is rendered ineffective or inoperable during that period.